unnecessary book

лишняя книга

New thoughts coming soon whenever they come

Новые мысли будут скоро когда-нибудь

What is all this for?

Well, I needed a place to share my thoughts. Hopefully no one will read this, and I can ony apologize to those who will. This is not for you, it's for me. But you're welcome to have a look.

As for me, Facebook, VKontakte and other social networks are like standing in a street and yelling everything that comes in mind. That really looks awkward.

Also, I will be changing, adding, deleting parts of this web page rather randomly. There will be no version tracking. 

How to make a decision

Как принимать решение

Навыки, которые мы в себе прокачиваем, но на которых нельзя заработать деньги

10 non-Rules for Life

DO NOT APPLY THESE IN YOUR LIFE. No, really, we’ve got enough problems that need to be solved without inventing additional artificial problems of our own.

However, it seems to me that most of the people still live their lives according to these non-rules 🙁

Don't delete this, you idiot, copy it!

I love automating actions. Even simple actions like creating two collapsible groups on the same level. So I created this text as a reminder to copy an existing part of the page and make changes in it. (Yes, I also love forgetting things.) 

And "idiot" is here to draw my attention.

Не удаляй это, идиот, скопируй! 

Я обожаю автоматизировать действия. Даже простые действия, такие как создание двух сворачиваемых групп на одном уровне. Поэтому я создал этот текст как напоминание о необходимости скопировать существующую часть страницы и внести в нее изменения. (Да, я также обожаю забывать вещи.) 

А обращение "идиот" для привлечения моего внимания.